Characters: ES!Setsuna F. Seiei (Gundam ) and OPEN
Date/Time: Monday and onward
Location: Adstringendum out and about
Rating: ???
Summary: Gundam explores the wilderness. Take one socially mal-adjusted older potato add who-knows-what. Stir. Result...?
After meeting P/Raise the other day, Gundam had a lot to think about. Strange people who knew them down in the wilderness? That was worth investigating. That and Honor still wanted a sword, and the 'Sphere just lacked weapon smiths.
Gundam wasn't big into gift giving, but a sword was practical, and it was Honor's weapon of choice. If the strange people who lived down in the wilderness might provide a sword, he'd take that over nothing. Otherwise he'd find something.
He memorized the location of the elevator, already aware it might be a useless precaution, and set out into the city, confident and sure footed as he walked past ruins and fixed up buildings alike, his back straight and his eyes alert.
To the residents of the "wilderness" he'd look exactly like Setsuna, only taller, older, his features more mature, his stature more filled out and less young and childish. But the expression, the face, the hair, the coloring, all unmistakable to anyone who knew the Kurdish youth.
((OOC: Same as other logs. Start a thread, indicate time and people participating. And feel free to kill Gundam with science tell him as much as you want. Or kidnap him. Or whatever you want to do with Older Potato.))