Which Doctor Who companion am I?

Jun 22, 2010 10:52

Saw this across my FList and decided to do it.

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lifefailsme June 22 2010, 17:58:08 UTC
Oh how uber!

I was my favourite Companion! LOL

Donna Noble
Take Which Doctor Who companion are you? (girls) today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

You're Donna Noble!

Oi! Wotch it, Martian boy! The Doctor thinks he can spout all kinds of ridiculous technobabble and 'Last Time Lord Angst' at you just because he's from outer space, huh? Well, you're not having any of it! You've got a heart of gold and a will of iron, and you're a rather boggling combination of a romantic idealist and a staunch realist. But you never let logical paradoxes get to you; you prefer to shoehorn the universe into a little box of your own perception. More often than not, it fits... probably because the universe is too intimidated to argue!


edenskye June 22 2010, 21:12:27 UTC
I should have known that you would get your favorite companion. giggles Awesome for you.

I was never a big Rose fan. I preferred Martha, and Donna to her, but I am most like Rose.


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