Email Spam

Jun 12, 2010 18:22

For those of you on my Flist whose email addresses I have I want to apologize for the spam emails that are being sent out.  Someone hacked my email and I am trying to fix it.  So if you get any emails from me please don't open them just delete them. I promise it's not me sending them out.

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lifefailsme June 13 2010, 08:17:16 UTC
Do not worry about it man, sh!t like this happens, the web is full of idiots, just like in RL


edenskye June 13 2010, 21:33:16 UTC
Thanks. I know it happens but it just so frustrating having to deal with idiots.

Can we ship all the idiots off to a far away island where they can't hurt anyone anymore.


lifefailsme June 14 2010, 04:56:05 UTC
Burn them in the town square I say!!


edenskye June 14 2010, 21:54:54 UTC
Burning them would be effective but the smell of burnt flesh would not be pleasant.

I know how about drowning them. We can cement their feet and toss them in the ocean. (hehehe There's my Mob boss side coming out. I am Sicilian after all.)


lifefailsme June 15 2010, 04:25:45 UTC
LOL! Now I am suddenly imagining your voice as that of Fat Tony off The Simpsons! hehe


edenskye June 15 2010, 19:52:43 UTC
I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse.

Giggles. I love Fat Tony. Let's yellow up my skin, add a pillow, and I'm good to go.


lifefailsme June 16 2010, 05:37:55 UTC
LOL!! Fat Tony is brilliant, I only learned a week ago it's the lead guy off Criminal Minds who does his voice \0/


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