Your result for Lovecraftian God Test... Yog Sothoth
The Door and the Key
"Yog Sothoth knows the way; he is the way..." So reads a famous quote about perhaps the most powerful Outer God, Yog Sothoth. Yog Sothoth is beyond space and time, and he holds the secret to space and time travel. He appears as a collection of phosphorescent spheres and angles suspended in the air, and is even capable of breeding with humans.
Great result!!
Thi is me:
Your result for Lovecraftian God Test...
Yog Sothoth
The Door and the Key
"Yog Sothoth knows the way; he is the way..." So reads a famous quote about perhaps the most powerful Outer God, Yog Sothoth. Yog Sothoth is beyond space and time, and he holds the secret to space and time travel. He appears as a collection of phosphorescent spheres and angles suspended in the air, and is even capable of breeding with humans.
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I still love your icon of McKay approving of Sheppard's butt.
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