Mar 31, 2005 15:51
My weekend at Mandy's was awesome! Being able to spend a holiday with Eden was awesome. She's such a cutie and I'm so proud of her! Friday, I got there after stopping off at Hallmark to pick up a bd card for John and Joy. The lil missie woke up from her nap about 5 minutes after I got there. Mandy and I went to KMart where we picked up shower for her and one for me. I decided that the shower curtain isn't what I want though so I'm going to have to take it back when I go up. Got Eden pompoms to play with. Resisted buying anything else for her...I was quite proud :) See Aaron...I have some self-control!!! Then, we went to pick up her Easter pics (crap that reminds me...I forgot to get mine from Mandy! Oh well! I'll bb before the month's up!) which were adorable! She had her hair in pigtails and was sitting in a waterfall like area. She had a babychick by her. Mandy said Eden was trying to squeeze the baby chick (which was real!) so Mandy was right there trying to keep her away from it. Haha. She looks so grown up!!! It was kind of sad how grown up she looked! She's gonna be 2 before I know it! After we picked up the pictures, we went to Decatur Gardens to have the World Famous WAFFLES!! Omg it was delicious! While we were there, Miss Eden decided she didn't want to sit in the high chair and she lifted her arms to get out. Well, since I am the spoiling birthmomma I am, I of course picked her up and let her sit on my lap. Later, when Mandy was giving her applesauce, she decided to blow bubbles which in turn, caused her to spit the applesauce all over my face...I'm sure it was one of those picture worthy moments but omg it was gross! Of course, I thought it was funny and was trying not to laugh at her. She was giggling about it. Oh sure...laugh at the mess you made on my clothes Eden ;) Headed back to the house and hung out there the rest of the night.
Saturday morning, I got up with Eden so that Mandy and John could sleep in if they wanted. We watched the Wiggles and snuggled. She's so cute in the morning! We danced around the room to the music and read stories. It was some good time we had together :) She went down for a nap shortly after Amanda got up (she was acting awful by this point!!!). Once she got up, we headed off to Fort Wayne to run errands and get lunch.
We went to Chuck-E-Cheese because we were going to take Eden there for the first time to play in the ball pit. Of course they didn't have a ball pit! That would make things too easy! So I took her through the climbing tunnels. She was fine at the huge concave window...she loved banging on it and waving to Uncle Jeff and Daddy...but she HATED the tunnels. She was freaking out there. Poor little girl :( Mandy got one pic of us at the window cuz my camera wasn't cooperating and they had forgot theirs. After we came out, we headed off to Chilis to have lunch since there was no ball pit :( We had interesting convos about sex :) Haha. I mean Jeff and I have NEVER had sex before marriage. And as Jeff one can prove that I did. Hehe. It was a good convo. I love it when Jeff comes along; he's so fun! After that, we ran errands and Eden became a very unhappy camper. When we went in Pier 1 she found a ceramic fish she really wanted to take off the shelf...that was fun keeping her away from that ;) It made me smile though when I set her down and she started to walk off but turned around and ran towards me grinning to be scooped up. After we got home that evening, we lounged around watching tv. Eden was definitely in the terrible 2 fits that night. It was funny though when she got her 2nd time out of the night and John told her to sit on the beanbag and not to take her butt off of it. Well she understood...she still wanted to see the tv so she picked up the beanbag chair and kept her butt attached to it and moved it in front of the tv. She's definitely a problem solver :) It was hard all of us not laughing at that one. After she went to bed, Mandy died my hair the auburn color that I chose. It DOES look red when I pull it up. Especially when I'm in the sunlight.
Sunday, Mandy left for church earlier so I got Eden ready for church. It was fun having a little bit of girl time with her. She was funny cuz she has a shoe cabinet and so when I got her dress on she went over to the cabinet and picked out a striped pair of shoes. Haha...I had to distract her to get the dress shoes on her. She's gonna have some funny outfits when she starts dressing herself. Went to church where again she was in a mood. She wanted to go up front and sing with mommy and preach with daddy. She was not happy one bit when I took her to the nursery. Needless to say, she took a little nap that afternoon. When she got up, Mandy and John were still sleeping so we watched some more tv and ate snacks. We just hung out at the house all afternoon chatting and I did laundry. We took some Easter pics and she opened her Easter basket from Mandy and then Me. She got goldfish and fruit snacks from Mandy. She even got a stuffed duck that was already at the house. She loved it though and acted like it was new. That won't work come next year ;) I got her a cute little OshKosh outfit that I'd bought when with Aaron and a bunny that after I bought it found out it was an Easter basket bunny. It's cute though cuz when you squeeze it's paw it says "Somebunny loves you!" It was adorable! It's little tail wags and everything! Stayed up with Mandy and John and watched a new show that night: "Grey's Anatomy." It was really good! I'm definitely gonna be watching that one on Sunday nights now. It's funny cuz Joy watched it at her sister's. Hehe. New show to be hooked on together ;)
I stayed the night and slept in the next morning (though I did get up when Eden was getting ready to go off to daycare cuz I had woke up and then went back to sleep). Got up, took a shower, picked up Dairy Queen, took some to Mandy and headed back to the dorm. It was an awesome weekend and I'm so glad that I was able to spend it with them. I love my big sis and little girl and her wonderful daddy who always makes me laugh.