Dec 22, 2013 18:03
So, since he was removed over the summer for posting some stupid shit about welfare and urine testing, I missed the unveiling of the boyfriend and subsequent coming out.
I've probably mentioned Marcus in long ago entries, we met in 6th grade and I was practically head over heels in love with him from day one until I left school at 17 (GED). And for a bit after, if I recall.
He was a lovely boy, so cute and so sweet and shy, I was a terrible person (following my mom's terrible advice on how to get a boy) and bothered him heartily, invading his space, being an annoying ass.
I figured, in a small part of my brain, that perhaps his interest lie with the same sex I was crazy over but without confirmation I let it go. Well, now I know!
He has a lovely boyfriend and his current state of residence just allowed same sex marriage (Utah). I'm very very happy for him!
I hope he is having an easy time of it with the religious family/friends, I'm glad he's finally found someone to fall in love with <3
coming out