Its a day

Nov 20, 2012 19:07

My computer has gone to compuhell so here I am updating on mah spiffy smartphone! Yay!

- Job hunting is depressing

- Having a relative die and derail your (already flailing) education sucks

- Having only half the funds needed for a trip is... Well, lets say lots of tears.

On the upside, I have a nice phone, my kid is blossoming more every day, and today is Transgender Day of Remembrance.
I wish my community was more umified, and the LGBs were more inclusive with regard to the Ts, not to mention the trend of "if you arent taking hormones/having surgery/etc you are just a transtrender" bullshit. But overall, this world has become more aware of us and our struggles, those who died will always be remembered, we will not be silent any longer nor will we accept hatred, bigotry, or bullying.

I am human, I deserve and demand my rights be equal to all others.

And now I have a very cute, floppy packer to really confuse people with.

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needs monies, depression, life, tgor, trans stuff

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