Thanks a lot YouTube

Oct 09, 2011 23:04

I want to go back in time and save Jonathan Brandis from himself, why did no one help him when he needed it?

He was one of my first celebrity crushes (Okay okay, more like obsession. I seriously adored him!), I didn't find out about his death until a few years after it happened. Talk about a punch to the gut, not to mention the horrible details. Just writing about it now is making me tear up hardcore.

So many good people are dead because no one stepped in, no one spotted the signs, no one called or dropped by or got involved.

Society has put too many stigmas on the issues of mental illness and addictions, even more so when you happen to be in the spotlight, and it isn't fair. There is so much shame involved when you are "less than perfect" and help isn't sought, or the right help isn't available. I wish that Jonathan would've had a better chance given to him, and he could still be alive today.

He was a great actor, a brilliant writer/director, and a darling man.

I hope he's resting in peace now.
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