pepper update, Monday 1/23/17 (also a narcissus update)

Jan 23, 2017 13:46


1) six narcissus, two peppers (and a spider plant), Monday, 23 January 2017
2) two peppers, Monday, 23 January 2017


3) the Lazarus pepper
4) the decapitated pepper

Kitchen table garden update!

The narcissus are, as is the way with flowers, beginning to wilt a little. One of them is also starting to get very floppy about the leaves. Alas! Still, there are some unopened buds and hopefully I will get a few more blossoms before they wither as all things do.

Meanwhile the Lazarus pepper still has that last tiny bud, which has not shriveled and fallen off. It doesn't really look like it's going to bloom, either, but what the heck.

The decapitated pepper is going to get harvested tonight. :) If I am on top of things, it will also get turned into fajita filling tonight, but that part might end up delayed until tomorrow.

[[original Tumblr post, for when the embedded images inevitably break]]

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adventures in botany, narcissus project: take 2, photographic proof, pepper project: 2016

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