pepper update, Monday 1/16/17 (also a narcissus update)

Jan 16, 2017 11:50


1) six narcissus, two peppers (and a spider plant), Monday, 16 January 2017
2) two peppers, Monday, 16 January 2017


3) the Lazarus pepper, still cheerfully doing nothing in particular
4) the decapitated pepper, which I will probably harvest later this week

As you can see, my kitchen table is pleasantly green. :) Most of the narcissus have opened their secondary flower clusters to at least some degree. I have also given every plant at least one stake -- a couple have two -- to keep them from falling over. That sort of floppiness is fine outside, especially when the plants are growing in a thick bank of flowers and can lean on each other to some degree, but it looks tacky indoors: hence stakes.

The Lazarus pepper still has that one tiny unopened bud, but it doesn't seem in any hurry to develop; I very strongly suspect it never will. The decapitated pepper is about ready to harvest, and in fact I plan to snip off those peppers on Thursday or Friday and use them to make another batch of fajita filling. We shall see how well that plan holds up in practice. *wry*

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adventures in botany, narcissus project: take 2, photographic proof, pepper project: 2016

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