Snowflake Challenge, day 1

Jan 06, 2017 14:37

I figure I might as well try this
snowflake_challenge thing, so!

Day 1: In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

I don't think the following fics are necessarily my best work -- and they're certainly not my best-known work -- but they're ones that I feel very positive toward, in this hour, on this day, for whatever reason. :)

1. Cast a Long Shadow (We All Meet in the End): Lily left empty places behind her. A story about family, loss, memory, and the passage of time. Contains familial dysfunction, mention of war and related issues, and offscreen canon deaths. Written for RemixRedux 7, based on Points Where All Shadows Meet, by osmalic. (Harry Potter, 8,500 words)

2. To Every Thing There Is a Season: Ilgamuth Tarkaan was fourteen when he first rode to war. He was likewise fourteen when he pledged his life and his name to Prince Rabadash, a decision that would shape the rest of his life. Prequel to Out of Season. Contains character death, violence, and moral dilemmas. Written for the 2012 Narnia Big Bang challenge on narniaexchange. (Chronicles of Narnia, 21,000 words)

3. As the Storm and the Lightning: Galadriel takes up the Ring. Dark. Written for
avanti_90 in the early 2015 Three Sentence Ficathon. (LotR, 125 words)


Those are all kind of grim, aren't they? Here, have a bonus #4 to leave you on a more cheerful note:

4. In Which the Librarian of the Unseen University Makes an Unexpected Acquaintance: Exactly what it says on the tin. *grin* Written for
ailavyn_siniyash in the Three Sentence Ficathon 2013. (Enchanted Forest Chronicles/Discworld, 625 words)

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

fandom: harry potter, fandom: enchanted forest chronicles, fandom: chronicles of narnia, meme, fandom: lotr, snowflake challenge, fandom: discworld, linkspam, fic

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