stuff done: Saturday-Thursday

Oct 21, 2016 16:25

Obviously I fed and walked Dottie every day; take that as read. :) Beyond that, though...

1. Confirmed the two days I am swapping with my coworker. (Hmm. Miss Cactus, maybe? Not for any personality reasons; she just grows a lot of succulents as a hobby.) Also wrote down my vacation day schedule for November and December, and passed it on to Mom for use in family holiday planning.

2. Watered my houseplants.

3. Bought groceries.

4. Facilitated church youth group Sunday morning. On Monday I talked to the church office admin about setting up a youth group listserv, which is presumably in progress. I also emailed the DRE to report on what had happened at the meeting and ask a couple questions.

5. Did coffee hour cleanup after the church service. It was a busy dish day -- a bunch of people brought in various types of cake, which require plates and forks, instead of the more usual cookies and muffins and chip/dip combo things.

6. Picked, sliced, and stored another two peppers. Also photographed peppers and posted the photos on Tumblr. (I still have not crossposted them here, sorry.)

7. Cooked two batches of veggie sidedish.

8. Cooked some squash to use as meal additives for Dottie. Then divvied it up into individual portions, each supplemented by one of the frozen blobs of wet food Mom had previously made.

9. Cleaned my bathroom.

10. Changed my linens, aka pillowcase, towel, and washcloth. Those go every week. Handtowels, dishtowels, and actual sheets go every other week when it is time to actually wash loads of laundry. I have a System and it has worked well for me lo these many years. :)

11. Repaired a tear in a pair of black underpants.

12. Took the house compost bin to the curb for pickup.

13. Texted Vicky, Susan, and Cat to arrange times for phone calls in the coming week.

14. Updated my resume. (Did not attend the job fair, though.)

15. Paid my monthly credit card bills.

I also got through several chapters of rereading for my Yuletide assignment, and am noticing all kinds of layers to the work in question that I missed on my first two times through. (The first time, it's because the cover art and back cover text gave me slightly misaimed expectations of what type of story I was in for, and I was hurrying ahead to reach elements that never really appeared the way I thought they were going to. The second time I think it's just that I was relatively young and therefore lacking in a certain sense of perspective, and also that I wasn't reading with a specific eye out for details because I was not intending to use it as source material for fanfic.)

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adventures in dogsitting, religious education, yuletide 2016, friends, yuletide, financial stuff, everyday life, work: monopoly houses, liz attempts to cook, unitarian universalist, reading

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