wherein Liz ponders her Yuletide options

Oct 02, 2016 01:48

Sorting through the Yuletide tagset to figure out what I am comfortable offering (and what I might want to request beyond the three fandoms I personally nominated) always takes about ten times longer than I expect when I start the process. What can I say; I like to be thorough.

After extensive perusal, I have compiled a list of things I think I would be both able to write for and interested in writing for. Now I need to trim it down by asking myself exactly how sure I am of both factors for each canon in question. (And in The Dark Is Rising, I need to decide whether to limit my character choices, because on the one hand, I'd prefer not to write a story focused on Merriman Lyon, but on the other, I'm perfectly willing to use him as a side character in a story centered around anyone else and I suspect I may be shutting myself out of some interesting prompts if I do exclude him. *weighs chances, remains undecided*)

Other people nominated Black Jewels and Karla is one of the characters in the tagset, so I can make my Karla-has-a-sex-life prompt again; perhaps this is the year it will be filled! I might request a 616 Daredevil story again as well, because even though I received two awesome stories for that fandom last year, there are all kinds of options to play with. Alas, nobody nominated The Dispossessed so I can't make my perennial request for literally anything about that book, but I received a lovely story in response to that prompt back in 2012 so I am not heartbroken or anything. And four or five requests is plenty, really.


Okay, I'm going to take my latest batch of veggie sidedish out of the crockpot and go to bed now.

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fandom, liz is thinky, yuletide, yuletide 2016

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