stuff done: Sunday-Friday

Sep 30, 2016 22:27

1. Went to church, mostly because I'd signed up to do coffee-hour cleanup. I do not find services particularly compelling, which is undoubtedly one reason I am willing to spend almost every Sunday doing RE stuff instead of in the sanctuary listening to sermons.

While I was cleaning, a member of my old hospitality team (we rearranged all the teams this summer) asked me if I'd be interested in joining the Stewardship Committee. I said I wasn't sure I could make the meetings -- my job hours might interfere -- but barring scheduling conflicts, sure, why not.

2. Took the house's shared recycling bins to the curb for pickup. (Brought them back onto the porch the following day -- emptied, obviously.)

3. Took the house's compost bin to the curb for pickup.

4. Watered my houseplants. Also spent fifteen minutes pruning my spiderwort, which needs to be done every two or three months.

5. Changed all my linens.

6. Had a breakfast meeting with the DRE on Monday, since I was unable to make a training session the prior Saturday. It was fairly productive, and she asked if I'd be interested in joining the RE Committee. As with the Stewardship Committee, I said sure, why not (barring scheduling conflicts).

7. Bought condolence cards and a new book of stamps. Mailed the cards to Cat and her mother.

8. Bought groceries. This included a tube of superglue, which I then used to repair the following items: two coffee mugs (one cracked down the side, one with a badly fastened handle) and a loose grommet on a shoelace hole in my right sneaker.

9. Replaced my laptop battery. Alas, Shadowfall still doesn't recognize the new battery's presence. I intend to get that looked at on Monday.

10. Gathered Dottie's supplies and wrote a list so Dad could find them when he picked her up Wednesday afternoon. Also, obviously, fed and walked her on Sunday-Wednesday.

11. Texted Landlord Dude to tell him I'd be a few days late with my October rent check, because of paycheck timing at my new job. That will not be an issue after this month. He said that would be fine, and thanks for telling him. (I have since written and addressed the check; it will get picked up by the mail carrier tomorrow.)

12. Voted in the OTW election. I had one of the typo ballot emails, which said the voting period ended on the 29th instead of, I guess, the 26th... and of course my computer was broken at the time, so I intended to vote on the 27th or 28th, which was obviously not possible. But I emailed the board of elections, as instructed, and received a new email ballot that was good through Friday night.

13. Vacuumed my apartment, because it had been a while and also everything was all over dog hair.

14. Cooked a batch of veggie sidedish.

15. Attended a Youth Group preparatory dinner meeting at church Friday evening, to introduce some of the 9th graders to the kids from last year, and to review some of the things that can/will happen over the course of the year.

16. Worked Tuesday and Wednesday. I still need to make a separate post about my job, but today is not that day.

17. I also photographed my peppers on Monday the 19th and Monday the 26th (plus a couple times in between, to document squirrel vandalism incidents) but I haven't downloaded or posted those yet because I only have so many spoons available each day. I may get that done this weekend, or I may just spam you with three weeks of pepper photos in one go on Monday the 3rd. We'll see how I feel, I guess. *wry*

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fandom, adventures in dogsitting, religious education, computers, adventures in botany, everyday life, unitarian universalist, liz attempts to cook

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