computers: an adventure in oh god why

Sep 27, 2016 22:13

I... kind of have a functional computer again?

The new battery and power cord arrived today, and after I fed the dog, walked the dog, and fed myself (because one shouldn't attempt laptop surgery when slightly loopy with hunger), I opened the laptop, did a final check to make sure I had the right battery type, replaced the sucker, and closed everything up again. Then I plugged in the new power cord.

Net result: Shadowfall is running fine on wall socket power, but the battery charge light is staying solid red and the system tells me it cannot detect any battery at all! Meanwhile, the little battery charger popup window thinks there IS a battery and it's 100% charged. *headdesk* And before you say anything, YES, I tried turning the machine off and on again. That changed nothing.

I will still try that again overnight, probably.

In slightly stranger news, Chrome updated itself at some point between last Monday and tonight, yet the new program still remembered all my open tabs from over a week ago. This was slightly counteracted by the way it made me clear all my cookies before it let me access Tumblr. Chrome is weird.

Anyway, if Shadowfall doesn't start recognizing (and charging) its battery by tomorrow night, I will try taking the machine in to Best Buy and telling them that I don't care if they say my service plan only covers software issues, because I have fixed the hardware problem and clearly the ball is now in their court, because it's software that lets the operating system talk to the battery.


In other news, my parents are safely home from Prague, and tomorrow Dad will drive to Ithaca to collect Dottie and take her home for a week and a half, until I drive down to NJ to kidnap her again. :)

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computers, adventures in dogsitting, grrr argh, how is this my life

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