Liz's continuing computer woes

Sep 23, 2016 13:10

Another quick update!

I ordered a replacement laptop battery and power cord from Amazon; they should arrive on Tuesday. I will try to watch some tutorial videos about the replacement process on Monday, so I'll have a better idea of what to do with them. With luck, I will have a functional computer again by Wednesday night.

If not, I have asked my parents if I can borrow their dinky notebook computer while I turn the problem over to professionals. So I guess I'll email or call them after my attempt at playing tech repairperson and they will either bring or not bring the notebook on Wednesday, depending.

In the meantime, I read what I can on my phone. *sigh*


In completely unrelated news, all three of my Yuletide nominations (and all four characters for each fandom) were approved with no problems. Two went through within the first couple hours, while the third didn't go until later that day, presumably because two of the characters I picked are very minor and have not yet appeared in/been tagged in any of the extant fanfic on AO3. So I know what three of my requests will be, and I'll decide whether I even want to make a fourth or fifth once the full tagset is revealed.

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computers, grrr argh, yuletide, yuletide 2016, how is this my life

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