wherein Liz shifts her sleep schedule

Jul 28, 2016 11:59

During previous dogsitting stints, I have gotten up around 7am to feed Dottie and let her out briefly to pee. Then I have returned to bed for a couple hours (because I am not a morning person) and only started her morning walk around 10:30am.

This time, I am trying an experiment wherein I go to bed by midnight, feed and piddle the dog around 8am, and then stay up. Even allowing time for showering, dressing, and general faffing around, this has let me start her morning walk by 8:45am.

And ye gods, those two hours make so much difference to the ambient heat.

It is a little weird and awkward forcing myself to bed at a 'reasonable' hour instead of indulging my natural night owl tendencies, but given summer temperatures in America? Totally worth it. :)

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