remind me again why I say I love writing?

May 29, 2016 19:19

Argh, why is this ficlet refusing to END?!

I have been plonking away at it for a week now (actually more like ten days, but I'm not counting my detour to NJ) and first it had nothing to do with the prompt, then it veered sharply left into arguments and angst, and now when I've sort of worked through that part, I can't get it to stop.

All I want is a hug and a sweet last line! I don't think that's so very much to ask!

*gnashes teeth*

(Also I wrote myself into a really weird craving for Kraft mac and cheese, and actually went out and bought two of the little instant microwave cups this afternoon, for reasons, but that is a separate complaint.)

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grrr argh, writing, how is this my life

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