I posted ch. 16 of "Guardian" on ff.net today, since I'd finally caught up with the revisions over there.
Things I have missed about actively posting Naruto fic on ff.net: getting a whole bunch of comments. Things I have not missed about actively posting Naruto fic on ff.net: the annoyingly high percentage of commenters with axes to grind and a conviction that my inbox is the place to grind them. *sigh*
(Let me hasten to say that all the comments on "Guardian" itself have been nice so far! One of my other Naruto fics, however, has been less lucky.)
I always wonder what people who leave anonymous comments with no contact information hope to accomplish when they ask questions. If they actually want an answer, how on earth do they expect to receive it? And if they're delivering an indirect insult (which is what many of the questions in question (haha) boil down to), what do they think that will make happen? If they're trying to change a writer's mind about a character or plot element, why pick such a useless and counterproductive method? If they dislike a story, why do they feel a need to tell the writer directly instead of backbuttoning away and perhaps complaining in their own space? If they're just trying to be jerks, what is the appeal?
Ah well. I have had surprisingly few problems with internet whackjobs over the years, all things considered. I am willing to laugh at a handful of pissed-off readers who take the discrepancy between their tastes and my writing as a personal insult. *wry*
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