Random thought:
I try, when possible, to consolidate my three-sentence ficlets on AO3. (Except the Narnia ones, because of Reasons.*) I do this by fandom, but sometimes the definition of a fandom gets blurry.
Case in point: the MCU.
I have a 'story' very creatively titled
Three Sentence Ficlets (Captain America). That is not a completely accurate title/classification, since one of them includes Darcy Lewis from the Thor movies, but it's workable for now.
The thing is, in the
currently running round of the Three Sentence Ficathon, I have written three MCU ficlets, but only one of them could fit into that collection -- and it's as much a Jessica Jones ficlet as anything else. The other two are Guardians of the Galaxy and Daredevil, respectively, neither of which has any connection to Captain America aside from being set in the same universe.
I think it would make sense to rename that 'story' to "Three Sentence Ficlets (MCU)" and just tack on the other relevant fandoms in the metadata. On the other hand, I dislike** sprawling multi-fandom messes, which is one reason I don't make a "Three Sentence Ficlets from X Month/Year" collection each time
caramelsilver or
rthstewart runs another round. On the third hand, does it really count as a sprawling mess if canon itself is like that already? And on the fourth hand, why do I even care so much?
Screw it, I'll decide tomorrow.
*Most of my Narnia fiction is part of a single shared timeline, and it's easier for me to keep that organized if all the components are completely separate.
**When I say I dislike multi-fandom collections, I mean I dislike them as a means of organizing my own work. Other people are of course free to organize their work in whatever way seems best to them! I just have... hmm... certain things that I like to arrange just so. This one is probably related to my equally pointless and fussy need to maintain a relatively stable average chapter length for each multi-chapter story, which has not been on display much recently but is definitely still a thing that exists.)
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