Liz vs. her kitchen, round whatever

Nov 04, 2015 23:41

Tonight I reheated my batch of chicken whatever, both because I wanted to tweak the spice mix a little and because I'd taken it in and out of the freezer a couple times and wanted to make sure I nuked any gunk that might have been trying to grow in its tupperware container. I also made a batch of pot roast which is currently burbling gently in my crock pot and should be done around 7am, which is approximately when I will get up anyway to feed Dottie. And then I fried up the fat and gristle scraps from the beef and put them in little containers to serve as meal additives for Dottie, because Mom likes to dress up her dry food with other stuff and I continue the habit while dogsitting.

And I heated up a can of clam chowder for my actual dinner tonight, because Mom left me like eight cans of Progresso soups when she dropped Dottie off and they only last half of forever, so I might as well eat them sooner rather than later.


If I still have food-related spoons tomorrow, I might bake brownies.

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food, adventures in dogsitting, everyday life, liz attempts to cook

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