[Fic] "Narutostuck: Culture Shock" -- Homestuck/Naruto

Jul 08, 2015 01:11

Here, have a little Narutostuck ficlet, for no particular reason.

Summary: The thing about Abyss, the part no outsider understands, is that it wasn't horrible at all. It was family. (275 words)

[ETA: The ever-so-slightly revised final version is now up on AO3!]

Narutostuck: Culture Shock

The thing about Abyss, the part no outsider understands, is that it wasn't horrible at all. It was family. The trainees and operatives were all each other's most precious people, and they didn't defect until the Condesce tried to break those bonds.

Yeah, Jade is still missing half her memories from before her induction, and yeah, she has a really interesting collection of scars from the experiments and enhancements, and yeah, it's good that these days she knows where her orders are coming from and can refuse them if she wants...

But really, the revolution didn't change very much. She still has Aradia and Feferi to guard her back, she still has an older operative to guide her, and it's not like she's stopped killing people. Jade is very efficient at assassination. Demoness-sensei approves.

But she can't explain that to John or the rest of her blood relatives (except Jane-san, of course) because then they get upset and treat her like she's a wounded civilian, which is ridiculous and insulting and gives Jade screaming nightmares that she can never quite remember. She never used to have nightmares, back when she and Aradia and Feferi slept all in one bed. Jade sneaks out to her teammates' shared apartment as often as she can, back to a place where the world makes sense and she doesn't have to exhaust herself trying to figure out and build the face her blood relatives want to see.

Jade is fine. She's always been fine. She's going to keep on being fine.

And anyone who tries to take away her family will learn exactly what Abyss built them into.


Inspired by the 6/7/15
15_minute_ficlets word #226: chasm


Blargh. Where has my creativity gone this past week? My brain feels all gummed up and slow.

(Oh, right, and for context: Abyss is Kouin's version of Root, but as you can see its deep mental conditioning took a slightly different direction. If you have any tips for making Jade a more obviously unreliable narrator, they would be most welcome.)

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

fic: naruto, crossover, fandom: homestuck, -narutostuck, fandom: naruto, fic, fic: homestuck, 15-minute fic

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