church stuff

Jun 08, 2015 16:06

Flower Communion yesterday! I acquired this lovely magenta peony, and also signed up to do something as yet unspecified for the RE program next year.

(The lack of specification is both because the program as a whole is currently a little unspecified, and because I am thinking of stepping out of my comfort zone -- which is ages 6-8 -- and maybe teaching OWL to kids in middle school. That would be really weird and awkward in some ways, but I am also genuinely curious about that program, which is what replaced AYS, the "and now let's talk about all the stuff surrounding sex that they won't teach you in public school health classes" program I went through back around 1995. And you know, it's valuable for kids to see that adults can and do have wildly differing perspectives on sex and romance and the emotional and ethical issues surrounding them, so... *makes equivocating gesture*)

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