blah blah stuff

May 21, 2015 16:12

The ICSD election was on Tuesday, with polls open 12-9pm. There were eight candidates running for four slots on the school board, plus budget approval and permission to take money from the capital fund to buy some new buses. The budget and purchase request both passed, and two of the four people I voted for were elected.

School elections tend to get really low voter turnout, but I figure that A) voting is a responsibility as well as a right, and B) if you don't vote, you have no justification for complaining until the next election, because you didn't even try to make a difference. I kind of like complaining about stuff, so... *wry*

I voted at about 12:15 and hit the road shortly thereafter, taking Dottie home to NJ. While in Madison, I had dinner with my parents (who arrived perhaps an hour after I did) and then went over to Susan's place to hang out. This involved sort of half-watching The Legend of Drunken Master on Netflix, because she was in the mood for comedy, I was in the mood for action/adventure, and we figured it's hard to go wrong with Jackie Chan. :-) In brief, Jackie Chan was about ten years too old to be really believable in his role but likable as always, the first twenty minutes or so seems like a bunch of completely disconnected and unrelated plots but they do eventually pull together (except the factory stuff, which I'm pretty sure was only there to provide a cool setting for the climactic fight scenes), and it's really refreshing to have an action film that doesn't bother creating an extraneous love interest. Also, that is not how alcohol works, but what the hell, Rule of Funny trumps biology, I guess.

On Wednesday Mom and I drove back north to Ithaca, where she helped me install my air conditioner -- just in time for the weather to take a three-day plunge back into early April temperatures. *sigh* Oh well, I'll need the blasted contraption in another week or two, I'm sure, and while I can take it out on my own, the installation really requires a minimum of three hands.

In other local news, for the past couple weeks road crews have been redoing the sidewalks along the corners of N. Tioga St. in an attempt to make them handicapped-accessible. In several cases, this did lower the concrete to street level, but in other cases it only succeeded in reducing the height differential from four inches to two inches. But! I now know why the workers weren't especially careful about making the concrete and asphalt line up.

It's because they've now ripped up the entire surface of Tioga from Lewis St. south to the bridge over Cascadilla Creek. I am in favor of that, don't get me wrong! The street has needed repaving for years. But it's going to be interesting for a while.

And now I should get back to revising my Betapalooza fic (because it's complete and functional as posted, but would be much better with an additional scene in the middle and some more detailed character work), and possibly writing a couple fills for the Daredevil kinkmeme, because, um, reasons. Yes.

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adventures in dogsitting, fandom: daredevil, betapalooza, politics, family, fandom: homestuck, travel, audiovisual media, writing, friends, ithaca local, everyday life

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