Note: I am repurposing my stock Yuletide letter here, which is why some of the sections may seem slightly off-topic for a single fandom exchange.
Hi, and thank you in advance for creating a story or artwork for me! I'm pretty easy to please -- unless you write a context-free sex scene, I'll be thrilled just to get something in response to one of my prompts. Optional details are optional, after all! *grin* But I realize that's not terribly helpful, so here's the (very!) long version. (I am sorry for the tl;dr, but I like to talk about things I love and I figure more details are better than fewer.)
General Information:
1. I will read anything when it comes to pairings -- het, slash, femslash, threesomes, poly, whatever, so long as you put in a bit of character development so the relationships don't seem to come out of nowhere -- but I tend to skim sex scenes because the non-sex parts of the story are almost always more interesting to me. (Note: Please feel free to disregard this if you want to write Porrim having sex. I am totally okay with sex for that particular prompt! Just... only written porn, please; if art, let's keep it, oh, PG-13ish. Like, naked cuddles and kisses are good; full-frontal writhing bulges, not so much.)
2. I enjoy all kinds of genres and moods, from schmoopy fluff to angsty deathfic, but my favorite endings are bittersweet and a little complicated.
3. I fall in love with worlds and themes as much as I fall in love with characters, if not more, so any world-building you can sneak in around the edges of a story or in the background details of a picture will be received with great joy.
4. Stuff I really, really like: This can be boiled down to, 'Please treat characters as intelligent people who have understandable motives for their actions, please take the worlds seriously as settings, and please remember that there's more to life than sex. Also, ethics, metaphysics, and world-building are dead cool.'
5. Stuff I'm not so keen on: authorial hatred for characters seeping into the narrative; sex or romantic love with no in-story justification; gratuitous angst/torture/rape (i.e., bad stuff that comes out of nowhere and is not necessary to make the plot or character arc work); idiot plots (i.e., problems that could be solved in five minutes if the characters asked one or two obvious questions); and predestination, prophecies, and anything else that denies free will. (I admit that that last dislike is tricky since Homestuck is practically built on predestination paradoxes, but if you include any, please let the characters be annoyed at the constriction of their choices.)
6. If you want more information on what I think about Homestuck,
here is a post on various ships I made in July 2012 (so it has nothing about the Dancestors),
here is all my Homestuck fic, and
here is my homestuck tag on this journal.
Okay. On to specific prompts.
A) Jade English's adventures in the Medium: I would like to see Jade exploring Hellmurder Island, discovering the portals into the Medium, and having adventures in the strange new universe of Sburb. How much of the game exists before the players enter? Did she have any contact with the Black Queen, or had the Condesce already conquered Derse? Did she have any contact with the White Queen? How and why did she steal Jack Noir's fourth wall? If the Denizens existed (instead of being retroactively created upon the players' entries), were they awake and open to conversations? How much did she tell Rose and Dave about her adventures? (Did she take pictures of Roxy and Dirk so they would have some tangible record of their timelost wards?) Did she try to spark a resistance among the Dersites the way she founded a resistance movement on Earth? I have so many questions and would love some answers!
I think this is fairly clear as it stands. But to elaborate a touch more, I'm not hugely interested in reading about Jade's relationships with Jake, John, Rose, or Dave, except as a small part of a story focused on something else. I am also not hugely interested in angst or a story focused on Jade's feelings. I want to read about her DOING something -- going out into the world and making shit take place, whatever said shit may be.
This applies similarly to art: I'd prefer a picture of Jade doing something awesome over a more portrait-like picture. Which is not to say it would have to be an action scene! It could be something quiet like Jade in a meteor lab, or at a computer trying to reverse-engineer Sburb, or on Prospit meeting with the White Queen, or whatever. Jade piloting a battleship with her stolen loot, or strifing with the skeleton zombies, or exploring the Sburb-related parts of Hellmurder Island would be extra awesome. (Bonus if she has copies of The Complacency of the Learned, Dave's movies, or John's old TV show lying around in the background or in her backpack or whatever, regardless of the main action. *grin*)
B) Terezi-Aradia-Vriska ashen porn: I couldn't specify this trio in the relationship field, so I had to approximate with two of the component pairs... but I want Terezi-Aradia-Vriska ashen porn, however you interpret "porn" of an explicitly non-sexual relationship. They are a glorious collective trainwreck and I need this to happen. If you can fit this into canon somehow, my hat is off to you. If you want to do a canon divergence, I am all for that. If you want to go wildly AU, that is cool too. All I ask is that they remain trolls. I don't particularly care who is mediating between whom: all three potential arrangements are fascinating in their own ways, and any form of variable middle-leaf setup would also be completely plausible to me.
The thing about this trio is that I do not ship any of the component characters with each other outside of it. Well, maybe red Terezi/Aradia could be cute. But I am firmly in the camp that thinks Terezi and Vriska are the most dysfunctional friendship in paradox space, not a failed red, black, or pale romance. And Vriska and Aradia on their own are obviously dysfunctional in the extreme.
Anyway, I think the most obvious starting point, if you're coming from a canon or canon-like setup, is Terezi mediating between Aradia and Vriska... but depending on circumstances I can see Terezi and Vriska having a horrible falling out (which I highly doubt would turn into a stable black pairing), or even Terezi and Aradia fighting over ethics and meddling and retributive versus redistributive justice or something. So the precise internal dynamics of the ashen trio are up to you. I just want to see them in action as somebody jumps into a fight, yanks all that stewing black tension and focus onto herself, and sublimates it into something else. Again, the exact mechanics are up to you -- I want to know how you envision ashen porn.
I'm not quite sure how this prompt would work for art. Maybe the middle leaf physically holding the other two apart, with some signs of blood and scuffles? Intensity and direction of attention are probably key here. Other than that, I leave it up to your discretion!
C) Roxy's childhood among the carapacians: I would like to see Roxy growing up among the carapacians! Pretty much anything on that theme would be awesome, but I'm especially interested in things like being the only human in her neighborhood, or when and how she found her appearifier and decided to gather supplies for her neighbors, or ways in which she absorbed the cultural mindset of Prospit and Derse along with the human culture she gleaned from the internet and whatever files Rose was able to leave for her. If you can work in Rose and/or PM, that would be awesome, but please don't stress about that element.
AKA the request in which my world-building obsession got away from me a little bit. Anything you can do to invent and describe a coherent carapcian culture -- and the ways it's been altered by the Condesce's rule and centuries on a waterlogged Earth -- would be beyond awesome. But that should be backgrounded and seen only through Roxy's eyes, because this is a request about her, not about, say, PM's epic quest to survive exile in the alpha timeline.
Mostly I want the practical details of Roxy's childhood. Like, who took care of her as a baby? What did she (and the carapacians) eat before she found her appearifier and starting stealing pumpkins? When, how, and why did she discover the internet? (Side-question: do the carapacians have internet access?) What were her emotional reactions to growing up so visibly different from her neighbors, and then learning the fate of humanity? Roxy strikes me as a very, very lonely person, which is interesting since in a lot of ways she's the least socially isolated one of the alpha kids... except that all her friends and neighbors are aliens. So how did that situation WORK?
In the case of art, I'd love a scene with Roxy and the carapacians working together at some task to maintain their floating habitat -- fishing, making salt from seawater, repairing rain cisterns, riding out a hurricane, or just sitting around a driftwood fire and cooking mutant seagulls for dinner. Stuff like that.
D) Porrim in a (temporarily?) stable red or black relationship: Porrim seems very open to loving (and/or hating) all kinds of people. I would like to see one of her red or black relationships! I have a slight preference for Meenah or Damara, if only because I have the hardest time imagining how those would work in practice and am interested in seeing somebody else's theories on that subject. But really, any female character of your choice is fair game, irrespective of species. Poly is also fine if that's where your heart is. I'm most interested in the everyday mechanics of a relationship while it's going well, not the beginning or ending of something. As for setting, I'm not at all picky: before Sgrub, during Sgrub, among the dreambubbles, in an AU of your choice... it's completely up to you. I do ask that all characters retain their canon species.
As with my first request, I think this is fairly clear as it stands. Basically I want to see Porrim in a functional concupiscent relationship; all other details are up to you. I admit I am more interested in the emotional and character study aspects of this than in the sex, but if you think sex is the best way to explore relationship dynamics, go for it. I am asking for concupiscent relationships, after all!
If you do write or draw sex, I am into lots of stuff, from kissing and cuddles to bondage and bloodplay. This is not, however, a non-con or dub-con request, and I would also prefer no humiliation, even in blackrom. (Which is not the same as no challenge, of course, but there's a difference between "you can do better" mocking and "you are hopeless and should give up" mocking, you know?) I prefer trolls to be at least a little xeno -- no human penis-and-vagina, please -- and for there to be no difference in reproductive anatomy between male and female trolls, regardless of what form that reproductive anatomy takes. Also, as I said at the top of this ridiculously long letter, I have more sedate tastes in visual erotica than written erotica -- I think it's because there's less chance to show the emotional lead-in to explicit sex.
So... yeah. This is what I want and I will love you forever for filling one of these prompts. ♥
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