I am trying to finish a story I've been working on for a while (this is my anonymous kinkmeme fill, btw), and it's very frustrating because I have the opening of the scene, I have a set piece of dialogue near the ending, and I have a general idea of the lines and mood I want for the actual final paragraphs... but I can't get from the opening to the set piece dialogue, and I need that dialogue for plot reasons and also because it's the logical lead-in to my actual closing scene.
I have written several hundred words that won't work, but I haven't figured out what will.
This is particularly frustrating since I haven't written much of anything for nearly a month now -- just the preceding section of this anonymous fill and a few hundred words scattered among various other projects that are nowhere even vaguely approaching completion. This happens sometimes. One hits a lull, or a fallow period. They pass.
But this one has been bothering me more than most because I know exactly what's causing it: stress. I may be superficially dealing well with the loss of my job, but that's mostly because my reaction to many sources of stress is to sort of... try to become an emotional duck and just let it roll off and away. Except it takes energy to do that, and there's a whole bunch of looming tasks I need to face, and I've just been too mentally/emotionally drained to do much writing.
And this is bad, because writing is one of my most consistent sources of joy and fulfillment in life. This is about the worst possible time to lose focus and stop creating new things.
So I am going to go back to puzzling at this story now, because I very badly need to finish something soon.
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