Dear Internet,
I downloaded Office 2013, which makes a big fucking deal of how it's always available on all devices and yay OneDrive and what the fuck, I don't care, just give me MS Word ON MY OWN COMPUTER, YOU ASSHOLE PROGRAMMERS!
By which I mean, I have downloaded this thing TWICE and I cannot find hide nor hair of MS Word on my computer, no matter what search terms I use.
Which would seem to defeat the purpose of purchasing and downloading a program suite that explicitly claims to contain MS Word.
So. Anybody out there have any tips for FINDING Word and then for CREATING A GODDAMN DESKTOP ICON SO I DON'T LOSE IT AGAIN?!?!?!
Fucking Microsoft.
And their chat client is continually busy. I have refreshed it three times now and it keeps timing out and telling me to try again later.
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