internet housekeeping

Apr 10, 2013 03:29

Tonight I finally got around to creating a separate Homestuck fanfiction master list page, adding its link to all my other master list pages, and doing the whole process over again on LJ because internal journal links are silly if they keep shunting you to a different journal so I can't just crosspost and be done with it. (That also means I have to fiddle the code for the LJ versions, because LJ doesn't accept some of DW's simplifications. *headdesk*) This is why I hate divvying out fandoms from pre-existing pages. It is way too much work for no immediate payback.

(The long-term payback is definitely worth it, though. I just have to keep reminding myself of that while slogging through the process.)

I have updated the HP master list to include the one 3-sentence ficlet I wrote in that fandom, so it and the new Homestuck page are now up-to-date. I will add the other 3-sentence ficlets to their fandoms' relevant master lists some other day, because there is only so much background organization I can do in one night without going stark raving mad.


I also meant to respond to some reviews I've left hanging for a while, but screw it, I am out of spoons. Human interaction (even of the text-based, time-delayed, and internet-mediated sort) can wait for tomorrow.

ETA: I added the "tales from the pit of voles" tag for some vigilante discussion in DW comments.

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

tales from the pit of voles, fandom, computers, grrr argh, fandom: homestuck, how is this my life

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