[Rec] "Come Upon Me (Like a Debt Remix)" -- Inception

Apr 23, 2012 22:06

And here is the fic someone wrote for Remix Madness 2012! It is based on No Illusions, a not-quite-three-sentence ficlet about Mal setting the scene for her suicide.

Come Upon Me (Like a Debt Remix): Dom lives the same mistake over and over again. [ETA: by
lady_krysis aka

Like many Inception fics, it is eerie and haunting and deliberately blurs the line between waking life, memories, and dreams. Go read it and praise the author!


I ended up writing a second Remix Madness fic myself last night, for a total of one assigned remix and two bonus stories. They are all in different fandoms and for different writers. One is a crossover. Two of the four fandoms involved are ones in which I had not previously written, one is something for which I'd only previously written one ficlet, and the fourth is something I write in a lot.

If you guess any of them before names are revealed, I will write you a ficlet of your choice. :-)

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recs, fandom: inception, remixredux, remix 2012, squee

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