NBB progress report (aka, oh help, the words are getting away from me again...)

Mar 22, 2012 23:49

NBB = 17,800 words now. That means I just wrote approximately 1,700 words of aftermath, since I have not even begun the politics and related stuff. And those scenes are kind of complicated and thus cannot be skimped or skimmed.


I cannot estimate wordcounts; I always run long. I cannot estimate wordcounts; I always run long. I cannot estimate wordcounts; I always run long.


If I repeat that enough, do you think I might get the message and allot myself more writing time earlier in my assignment windows??? (Hint: the answer is almost certainly NO. *sigh*)

ETA 1:15am: 18,500 words, and I am still not quite at the politics. Almost, though! Just another hundred words or so and I will achieve politics! *crosses fingers*

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narnia big bang, grrr argh, fandom: chronicles of narnia, writing

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