wherein Liz waves hello to the internet before vanishing again

Feb 16, 2012 21:37

Incidentally, I am not dead. I've just been overdosing on the endless backlog of fic on old Homestuck kink meme posts. I have also been sleeping unrestfully -- I keep having bad dreams that wake me at odd hours -- but I don't think that's related to the reading ( Read more... )

liz talks about personal stuff, dreams, grrr argh

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edenfalling February 17 2012, 21:45:31 UTC
*hugs back*

It's very stupid for an archive to only show 1,000 results maximum, whatever search terms you use! You can get around some of the problem by making it arrange its display backwards in time (so you start with the oldest stories at the top), and you can force some lost stories to surface by searching for particular pairings or other tags, but if you're trying to find, say, a medium-length character study about John (no pairing) that is currently sitting around halfway through the archive by date, you are shit out of luck because searching for just "John" as a tag will get you every story with John in it, inlcuding all the pairings that include John, and all the stories where he's just a random extra but got listed in the header tags anyway, so the archive will hit its 1,000 story maximum long before it reaches the story you were trying to find.

People have complained about this before. I have never heard that there is any intention of fixing it, which is bizarre, because I think it is the single biggest flaw in the archive as currently coded. :-(


askerian February 17 2012, 21:57:55 UTC
... no intention to fix it? what, seriously? what the fucking fuckity fuck. What happens to all those stories back there, then, no one can find them unless they get a secret code by the author themselves? decoder ring? guesstimating the right url? STUPID STUPID DUMB.

and I seem to remember when you search in reverse timeline order it just gives you the last of those 1,000s it can get at first, and doesn't really go any farther. :/


edenfalling February 17 2012, 22:34:38 UTC
What I heard, from somebody who had filed an official complaint/request/whatever about the issue, was that the response she got boiled down to, "You can find what you're looking for if you just refine your search terms enough!" Which, way to completely miss the point. I can't refine search terms if the stories don't HAVE distint terms to search for, and when I jump into a fandom, I like to at least glance at EVERYTHING. It helps me figure out what I like!

As that incident was several months ago, it's theoretically possible the AO3 staff have decided to do something about the issue eventually. I have not seen any mention of it on a casual glance down the admin posts feed, though, so I don't have a lot of hope. :-(


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