Tell me about a story I haven't written, and I'll give you between one and three sentences a few paragraphs from that story.
(I am trying to be honest about my length issues. *wry*)
Responses so far:
Utilitarian Virtue for
cherokee1 -- original fic about a wanderer between universes and her mysterious task (opening paragraphs of a novel
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"I can see why nobody comes here," she said to Lucy, as her sister knelt to press her hands into the violated earth. "It is not a place to be. Look -- all the trees are leaning away, and the green plants are thin and pale, even more so than the approach of winter warrants."
"It shouldn't be this way," Lucy said, digging her fingers into the soil. "Can't you feel it? The Tree was planted out of love, not out of fear. Its shade was a place to come and be glad, not a place to hold in distant awe. Jadis has no right to this taint on its grave."
"She took many things to which she had no right," Susan pointed out. She stroked her hand gently down the nose of her dumb horse, quieting the restless twitching of its skin.
"So she did. And we have taken them back," Lucy said. She rose, determination painted all over her face. "Sister, winter is coming, but when the spring returns, let us go on a great quest to restore this lost heritage of our land. It will do us good to renew our connection to what truly matters."
By this she meant that it would do Susan good to think of Narnia instead of Rabadash, as she had thought all too often since this summer, but Lucy was too kind to single her sister out that way.
"Perhaps," Susan said, but she knew that come spring, she and Lucy would ride out in search of adventure, for just as Lucy loved everyone, all of Narnia loved her in return and would do almost anything to avoid disappointing her.
Then they drag Edmund into helping them research the history of the Tree over the winter, in spring they go on a quest and there's stuff with Aslan, in summer they fix the problem with the Tree's grave... and in autumn you know what happens with the White Stag. *sigh*
I love the idea of Susan questing. It drives me absolutely up a wall when parts of fandom restrict her to boys and lists and dresses and nagging. And sisterrrrrrrrs omg.
Sisters are the best. Brothers are good too, but there should always be more stories about sisters. :-)
...I have far too many projects in the air right now, but I will sit on this idea and see if it grows into a proper fic in the spring.
:)! I think it would be a really fun fic.
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