3 things: more burglary follow-up; too many deliveries; the spam you shall always have with you

Nov 02, 2011 23:25

1. More burglary follow-up:

Investigator H called me at work again this afternoon and asked if I could come in to the police station "sometime around nine... maybe a little before... how about eight-thirty?" for something he wanted to try but didn't want to give out details on just yet. He thinks he can have me out again in under an hour.

Friday is one of my days off this week, and I needed to get into town anyway for a haircut (my hair has grown long enough to start doing its annoying flippy thing on the back of my neck, grrr), and I would like to do what I can to get my case resolved and the burglar charged, so I said yes.

Of course, this means I need to get up around 7:15am on Friday, so as to have a chance to eat a little breakfast before I walk into town (which should take, oh, 25 minutes, since the police station is about two blocks further away than the library, which takes 20 minutes if I'm not in a hurry), and I am not a morning person, but whatever.


2. Work was busy but overall successful. We had four deliveries today: from our Snapple distributor, from Elmira Distributing (the regular Wednesday delivery, which contains cigarettes, candy, tobacco products, snacks, and random things), from J&R Santa Clara (cigars and pipe tobacco), and Phillips & King (foreign cigarettes, cigars, tobacco products, tobacco accessories, e-cigarettes). P&K invariably arrives at the most inconvenient time, so that did not surprise me, but J&R is less troublesome, so I was a bit surprised when it turned up approximately five minutes before the Elmira delivery.

Oh well, we got it all checked in, priced, and put away in the appropriate places, and I still got out about fifteen minutes before schedule, so yeah. All in all, not bad.


3. One nice thing about having my master fic post as a sticky at the front of my journal -- and doing that by dating it to January of 2030 -- means that it traps a lot of spam comments that are immediately obvious as spam. This is because the comments talk about how interesting the spammer found the post, or how the information made the spammer think about the issue in a new way, or how the spammer found the post useful in writing an essay for school. Which, given that the post in question is a list of links to other posts that are also (at heart) lists of links, is beyond ridiculous.

This week I had another two spam comments on the six-year-old post that keeps getting hit, two on an Angel Sanctuary fic from 2010 that also gets hit relatively often, and three on my sticky post (two of which came this morning, within an hour of each other). Last week I had no spam at all.

All this is on LJ, I should mention. Since I set up a Dreamwidth account in 2009, I think I have had maybe two spam comments total on that journal. Some of that is doubtless because DW is a smaller service and some is because its membership is still restricted by invitation codes, but I also think DW has a really awesome anti-spam team. Whereas LJ... is trying. *sigh*

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random, computers, work: smoke shop, grrr argh, burglary is no fun at all, ithaca local

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