tell me what to write this weekend

Jan 21, 2011 21:45

As you probably know, I have a lot of unfinished WIPs. At the moment, I am equally annoyed with all of them, but also equally interested in getting some serious work done on all of them. So I would like people to tell me what I should work on this weekend. I am limiting you to one choice because, much as I love tickyboxes, the idea is for me to get something finished, not continue to be scattered hither and yon and back again. :-)

Hopefully I will be able to make the poll function, well, function... Please note that you have to vote on Dreamwidth. However, I think I have enabled anonymous voting, so it shouldn't matter if you have an account there or not.

Your options (with their current word counts) are as follows:

View poll: Tell Liz What To Write


In other news, I shoveled the driveway around my (temporary) car, cleared snow off the car, and headed merrily off to the grocery store. When I came home, I got a better look at the driveway I'd backed out of, hastily parked the car at the side of the road, and went to shovel the mouth of the driveway so I could get back in, because I couldn't for the life of me understand how I'd gotten out in the first place! Snowplows are useful, useful things, but man, they leave some big piles in their wake.

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