Yesterday I attempted to recover from work by way of writing fic, which resulted in me opening ch. 5 of "The Courting Dance," looking at it in despair, and faffing off to scribble at ch. 18 of "Lemonade" instead. I leave it to you to decide whether my choice of stories represents good news or bad. *wry*
Today, after a much more stressful day (biannual inventory, during which we count every item in the store, by hand -- yes, really), I decided to drive myself nuts pulling together information for an end-of-year post on stuff I wrote in 2010. Said post is not anything like ready yet, but I can tell you, in slight disbelief, that according to my own records I wrote 136,000 words of fiction last year -- about 102,000 fanfiction and 34,000 original.
Or rather, I should say I posted that many words. I count by posting date rather than writing date, since I write things so piecemeal and over such absurdly long periods of time that counting by writing date would lead to things like this: "Opened file, made a few edits, net loss of 25 words," two month gap, "Opened file, wrote 200 words," three month gap, "Opened file, edited previous addition, net gain of 10 words," two month gap, etc. Which is useless for any sort of sane record-keeping system, really. So I use posting dates. It's tidier.
Anyway, 136,000 words is not really all that many in the grand scheme of things, but for me, it's a hell of a lot.
So yeah.
Here's hoping I can repeat the trick this year, and maybe knock off some of my WIPs while I'm at it!
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