1. The revised version of
Lemonade, chapter 17 is now up on ff.net. It includes actual descriptions of the blue insect demons (who do have a name, as does their world/dimension/planet/home; it just hasn't come up in the story yet), a bit of description of their horse-equivalents, and also some revisions to their weaponry. (In other words, their world is metal-poor and
macuahuitl are dead cool -- actually, that last is all the justification I really need. *grin*)
2. On a completely different topic, here is a meme seen in many places: What kind of topics/entries would you like to see me posting? Any particular questions you've always wanted to ask me but have resisted because the answer would be a huge essay? Ever want to wind me up and watch me go on a particular topic? Anything you've heard me say "I should write that entry about [fill in topic] I've been meaning to write" and have been patiently waiting for?
3. On a slight tangent to that last, which stories are you most interested in seeing me post? I am feeling slightly directionless at the moment (mostly because a really stupid idea for a Code Geass AU with an extra fantasy gimmick has been eating my brain all day, but it is, you know, stupid despite the cool factor, and also has no plot, and the last thing I need is another novel-length WIP with no clear direction) so I would appreciate being told what to write.
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