[Meme] WIP snippets

Feb 21, 2010 01:43

Stolen from aishuu

Work in Progress (WIP) meme:
Post a sentence (or two) from as many of your WIPs as you want, with no explanation attached.


1. Jadis opened her hands and let herself drop through chasms of air and silence.


2. "Oh, do get on with it," said Eena, stamping her hoof again. "You're disgracing our country with this shilly-shallying."


3. "Twins," the oldest under-nurse said as the clutch of women drank ink-black tea one afternoon. Jadis, awakened from her nap by a passing raven's cry, slid from under her blankets and crept to the doorway of her bedroom, pressing her face to the crack between the ebony doors. "Nothing good can come of it," the gray-haired under-nurse continued. "They'll be the death of us all, no doubt. The crown prince should have killed them at birth."


4. Harry shrugged. Okay. Try this -- just because you can do horrible things doesn't mean they make sense in the long run. Look where you ended up. If you hadn't tried to do Grindelwald one better, you wouldn't be stuck in my head with your soul all cut up and rotten.


5. "Oh, like pretending nothing happened is so much better?" Daphne said acidly. "You were a bloody bitch, and I couldn't let you think you could act like that without consequences! That's probably how the Heir got started, you know -- nobody ever stood up and called him out and he just got worse and worse until--"

Ginny punched her in the face.


6. "I heard that," Malfoy called from several meters in front of them. "I thought you were going to insult me to my face, not behind my back?"


7. "You'll fit in just fine," Umabel said dryly, snatching Belial's transfer papers from her hand. "Go on, Yela-chan, show the meat around."


8a. Lucifer swept a measuring eye over the banners of the commanders, apparently searching for one in particular. "At least they had the sense to leave Michael out of this disaster," he said, turning back to Alexiel. "Here, take my cloak and cover yourself; you stand out too much without clothes."


8b. "Is this where you help me climb down and we run away?" Sara asked.


8c. "Did you carry me all the way across the city?"

"Yes. But I used an aversion spell; nobody will remember you acting like a passed-out drunk on the bus," Lucifer said from the kitchen.


8d. "You do realize that opposing God is the standard definition of evil, especially since I eventually helped kill the bastard," Lucifer said, studying the glove of black flames that shrouded his hand.

"You are not helping," Sara snarled at him, "and anyway, you were tricked into that role, and then you spent thousands of years trying to help Alexiel just because you didn't like the way God treated her, so stop playing the 'I'm cold and heartless' card. It won't wash."


8e. "Just because something's silly doesn't mean it can't be real or important," Setsuna said. "Tell me, and if it really is dumb, I'll tell her so she'll think I'm the stupid one, not you."


8f. A cut-glass vase was no substitute for a sword, but it made a reasonable weapon in a pinch.


9. Should he kill them? There was no pressing reason to, but there was no reason not to, either, and he was beginning to wonder if he'd lost his edge after spending so long intertwined with a human soul.


10. "I am not showing off," Kafunnokaze grumbled.

"Yeah, showing off implies that he's doing something tricky and getting it right," Kohaku agreed in a deceptively bland tone.


11. Telemain was still protesting. "--so I hope you realize that honest curiosity and the spirit of magical research... wait, there are variants of the summoning spell?"

"Is he an idiot?" the battered gray tomcat asked.

"Yes," said Morwen.


12. "We don't turn people into animals unless they're trespassing or attacking. There are rules, Morwen."

"I wouldn't have kept him as a rabbit for very long," Morwen said.


13. Her hands tightened on the control yoke. "But we'll keep trying. We'll get through this. I worked too hard to start this relationship at all, and I refuse to let you go right when I need you most. I am too damn stubborn to let Nero win." She stopped at a red light and faced Spock. "And guess what -- so are you."

There was no doubt whatsoever in her eyes.


14. "It's not a plague!" he said.

Jayavanti blinked. Had he gone delirious from sleep deprivation? "What do you mean, not a plague? Aren't the dying people enough evidence?"


15. Guys didn't usually do friendship around her, especially not after sex.


16. "Like anyone in the Narrows could tell the difference between a domestic and every other night," Flass said, and laughed at his own joke. Anna smiled thinly and wondered if it were possible to cross-breed humans and pigs.


17. The Lady of NuRavenna sits in her workroom and tinkers with the loom of the future. Her scrying glass is broken -- smashed, in Oriencor's tantrum, before she fled -- and for years beyond counting, the Lady had no heart to remove the evidence of her daughter's hand.


And now to bed.

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