wherein Liz whines about The Dark Knight fanfiction

Sep 07, 2008 23:51

Apropos of nothing in particular, I have the oddest feeling that most people writing fanfic for The Dark Knight were not watching the same movie I saw. At all ( Read more... )

fandom, recs, liz is thinky, writing, fandom: batman

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edenfalling September 9 2008, 02:06:47 UTC
The main reason I can see Harry/Draco is their first two meetings, which always gave me the sense that if Draco had said one sentence less in his first appearance ('bullying' his parents into buying him a broom, basically), Harry would have latched onto him as a friend and tried to balance between Draco and Ron on the train. (And also, Draco reminds me of Ginny -- they're both massively opinionated, pushy, and drama queens in some respects -- so if Harry likes those traits in Ginny... well... *grin*)

Harry and Snape interest me mostly in a gen fashion, because there I always had the feeling that if they could just sit down and think about things rationally for five minutes, they'd realize they had a lot in common. But that was always vanishingly unlikely to happen. I have read a fair amount of Harry/Snape over the years, mostly because you cannot find friendship fic for nearly any pairing, so if you want to read about two characters interacting on any meaningful level, you're 95% stuck with shipfic. *sigh*

There are a couple genfics and some Harvey/Rachel out there, but it's like looking for needles in haystacks.


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