wherein Liz whines about The Dark Knight fanfiction

Sep 07, 2008 23:51

Apropos of nothing in particular, I have the oddest feeling that most people writing fanfic for The Dark Knight were not watching the same movie I saw. At all ( Read more... )

fandom, recs, liz is thinky, writing, fandom: batman

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lynati_1 September 8 2008, 21:20:12 UTC
Ow. *sends hug vibes*

And now you've got me wanting to read 85% of the things you listed in your initial paragraph. Have you found *any* out there worth reading?


edenfalling September 9 2008, 03:11:38 UTC
Hang on while I go hunt down some links...

Okay. Here we go:

Exclusive, Intimate, Content, by Gater101, is a nice look at Bruce and Rachel from Harvey's POV.

The Four Men Who Want Batman and the Woman Who Gets Bruce Wayne, also by Gater101, is a series of five character studies: Harvey, the Joker, Lt. Gordon, Bruce, and Rachel.

One Night, by auzziewitch, is Bruce/Rachel the night before Harvey's press conference, when she stayed over at the penthouse.

Wise Up, by coffeemione, is an OC-heavy story dealing with the Gotham police department in the wake of the film, as they begin to hunt Batman for real. It's a WIP, though, and only the first chapter is up.

Batman Revealed, by vballmania23, goes AU from Harvey's press conference; in this world, Bruce confesses during Harvey's dramatic pause.

Roses and Revelations, by windsweptsilence, is a little window into Natasha, the Russian ballerina, who is far from stupid.

Ballerina and the Billionaire, by Jen K, is another Natasha POV.

The Job Interview, also by Jen K, deals with ( ... )


lynati_1 September 9 2008, 03:22:59 UTC
*thank* you. I appreciate running them down for me. (And I imagine there are others who do, too.)


slowmercury September 18 2008, 00:47:56 UTC
Thanks for the list! I'm glad to have someone's advice for fic; I looked once on my own and that was enough to scare me off. The same happened when I looked once for Superman and Spiderman movie fics; I'm starting to think that maybe it's a superhero movie thing. Although I've seen some X-Men that aren't too bad...


edenfalling September 19 2008, 02:31:26 UTC
*puts on internet pseudo-sociologist/anthropologist hat*

Partly it's a function of fandom size -- less fic overall means less goodfic -- but since there are some small fandoms where the ratio of goodfic to badfic is much less dire, I think it really does also relate to the type of source material. Big action movies seem to bring out the (you know, there is no way to say this politely) screaming fangirl and fanboy ninnies. The small fandoms with intelligent fic have much more obscure source material, which means that you need a higher level of committment to get into them in the first place, and that tends to weed out the dilettante squee!fans.

Also, superhero movies tend to paint with an even more basic moral brush than many other action movies, and action movies aren't subtle to start with. So even when you get something that raises moral questions -- like Iron Man or The Dark Knight -- people tend to overlook them and pounce on 'he fights bad guys!' or 'omg LUV!' instead ( ... )


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