small companies are weird

Jan 22, 2022 14:16

Niche skills I never expected to need: operating a freight elevator.

Niche skills I possess and have in fact used on multiple separate occasions, even though they have nothing to do with my job description: operating a freight elevator.


On a tangentially related note, I know how to gently re-humidify crispy tobacco, set snap-traps for mice, program a certain type of outdated electronic scale/label printer, remove old tape residue from glass surfaces, and inventory an entire store and plan six months of product orders entirely by hand in pencil, courtesy of my old job at the smoke shop. (I do not recommend the latter. Electronic inventory is a blessing upon humankind.)

Also the freight elevator does not like to move in 10-degree weather, and needs so much WD-40 on some of the moving pieces. *slumps wearily over desk* If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

work: smoke shop, weather, everyday life, work: monopoly houses, how is this my life

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