attempting to resume semi-regular posts...

Sep 21, 2021 20:07

Things done today:

1. Attended the third session of my virtual tax CE course on investment income. Now I just have to do the case study portions and the test will unlock.

2. Set up auto-pay for my car loan. However, that won't kick in until October, so I then went into town and made my first payment in person. I have decided to pay more than the minimum each month so as to A) pay the loan off faster and B) pay less interest.

3. Started a new paint-by-number project. Which reminds me, I don't think I posted about my previous paint-by-number project over here -- that's all been on Tumblr, which has a simpler image posting interface. I will correct that omission at some point.

4. Picked up the second of the two loaves of bread (baked to order) that I purchased at last year's service auction. It is delicious. :)

5. Belatedly did homework for and attended the second session of my virtual church Board of Trustees training course. If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

liz has a car!, food, financial stuff, work: not the irs, everyday life, unitarian universalist

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