brief update

Mar 28, 2021 15:26

I'm at Not the IRS, very bored. I had one client scheduled, but they no-showed (to be perfectly honest, I was half expecting that, because this person has a habit of no-showing appointments) so I have been sitting around doing some websurfing, some writing, and some reading on my Kindle app.

I intend to leave early because there is literally no point in me being here and I have more useful things I could be doing with my time.

My right wrist hurts more than my left wrist did at a similar period. I think this is because my right hand is my dominant hand so I keep trying to use it by reflex and then I get stabbing/throbbing pain in weird and unfamiliar places -- for example, I keep getting horrible twinges in my right ring finger because something is pulling on a nerve that normally is not involved in turning my hand. I am trying to be more conscious and careful about motion, but it's going to be an uphill battle.

Anyway, hopefully I should be able to post a ficlet this evening, after which I will try to get a few more things crossposted to AO3. If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

medical, writing, work: not the irs, everyday life

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