another day wherein I clearly did things yet I feel like I accomplished nothing

Feb 19, 2021 20:29

Things done at work today:

1. Arrived a few minutes late on account of having to shovel the front steps and sweep snow off the Camry, and was promptly tossed into a muddle of "figure out which of these people are currently parked in/near these specific parts of the parking lot, and then contact them to make them move their cars so we can remove snow and unearth the actual parking spaces and painted lines again," which was unfun.

2. Staged a studio, took photos, took video, and un-staged it again because the new tenant is theoretically arriving to pick up their keys tomorrow.

3. Staged a mini-studio and took photos. Then promptly gave two separate people tours of that mini-studio, which, while good (yay prospective tenants!) was also kind of frustrating because it delayed my lunch break by a whole hour.

4. Did not get to take video of the mini-studio because Mr. Geniality got waylaid by Company Owner (who is currently in Ithaca) and by the time he was free we'd lost good daylight. :(

5. Miscellaneous photo editing. Miscellaneous emails. Miscellaneous floor plan editing. Miscellaneous ad updates.

6. Scheduled a tour for Saturday afternoon.

7. Arranged for "this area is under camera surveillance" signs to be posted in building lobbies, which may hopefully help prevent a repeat of the December incident where two assholes broke into one building by incessantly pushing intercom buttons until somebody buzzed them in and then stole the contents of a dozen packages... in clear view of the lobby security camera. *headdesk* (They got arrested a couple days later for an unrelated theft, also committed in clear view of cameras. I believe one or two of our tenants pressed charges.)


I am feeling tired and out of sorts. I think I may eat some chocolate and go to bed early. If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

burglary is no fun at all, everyday life, work: monopoly houses, how is this my life

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