Downstairs Neighbor S has decorated the house porch for Halloween.
Mostly this is fine -- pumpkins, plastic spiders, fake spiderwebs, a plastic ghost on the door, etc. I'm cool with all that!
The problem is the three motion-activated plastic witch figurines. When something moves within a certain radius of them (or maybe just in front of them; I haven't done rigorous tests) they light up in flashing colors and emit a really annoying cackle.
Even that's not usually too bad, but tonight Downstairs Neighbor S left one of the witches on the porch railing facing outward toward a bush.
It has been raining lightly but steadily for the past twenty minutes.
The rain makes the bush leaves bob.
The motion of the leaves sets off the witch.
The witch cackles nonstop.
Right outside my front window.
I went outside and switched her off.
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