wherein Liz adults like a pro

Apr 30, 2020 21:11

Given that I have lost a fair bit of income due to Covid-19 and my consequently reduced hours both at Not the IRS (for the tail end of regular tax season) and at the rental company office (ongoing, no specific end in sight but I assume we'll be running short hours through June at least), tonight I updated my health insurance application via New York's state health marketplace website.

It looks like I am once again poor enough to be on the state-subsidized Essential Plan rather than a regular insurance plan with Advanced Premium Tax Credit. The switch will take effect on June 1. (I really should have done this last week, in which case the switch might have gone into effect on May 1. *sigh* Hindsight!) This is good for my budget... and honestly, probably good for my health care in general, since the Essential Plan offers good coverage whereas on my own I was using one of the mid-range silver plans with a worryingly high deductible.

(Can we please have single-payer health care already???)

Anyway, I made my best guess at my new, reduced annual income for 2020 and uploaded a bunch of payslips to show my loss of hours and money, since the health plan people want some proof that I'm not pulling numbers out of thin air.

In other financial news, my stimulus payment arrived today so I have written a check for my May rent. I texted Landlord Dude a couple days ago to let him know I'd be a few days late, but he should have my money by May 5. He was fine with that, which does not surprise me because I suspect some of his other tenants need rent reductions or greater grace periods. I have enough savings to get by paying in full through December, but I would really rather not rely on that because it's taken me a long time to build my savings account back up to a non-terrifying level after my years of un- and under-employment.


Anyway, that is quite enough adulting for one day. I am now going to make myself a Black Russian and do nothing productive whatsoever for the rest of the evening. :) If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

medical, liz talks about personal stuff, covid 19, financial stuff, housing, everyday life, how is this my life

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