daily update, Saturday March 7

Mar 07, 2020 21:49

Things done today:

1. Decided not to get a haircut this week but rather to sleep in the extra hour until 8:15am. This was a good choice, both because it helped me get through the day and because I'm losing an hour of potential sleep tonight due to Daylight Saving Time, ugh. (Like, even if you accept DST as a reasonable concept, there is no excuse whatsoever for starting it before spring equinox. I can sort of grudgingly accept extending it into November on account of Halloween and little kids getting more daylight for trick-or-treating, but there is absolutely NOTHING in the front half of March that needs more evening daylight and later mornings.)

2. Rental company office 10am-6pm. Miss California put up our March decorations and we jointly took down and put away our snowmen window decorations since we seem to be getting an early spring this year. I am a little sad to see them go -- they are super cute.

In other rental company news, we jointly did five tours this afternoon -- four were planned, and one was a spur-of-the-moment thing we were able to do because we have a room in the building in question whose tenant is not in Ithaca this spring and didn't bother to find a subtenant. So from about 2:30 to 5pm, we were constantly busy with tours and leases, but before and after that? *crickets chirp*

3. Listened to this week's episode of Sawbones, which weirdly didn't have a sponsor/advertisement section even though Justin and Sydnee clearly made space for it? Oh well, technical glitches happen to everyone.

4. Continued listening to my current Great Courses series about classical music.

5. Finally finished reading A Fistful of Shells. In conclusion, an important and interesting book, and one that talks about areas that desperately need more attention, but it hits an awkward point where it's a little too technical for a truly popular history and a little too popular/narrative for a really technical history. Which I guess is what happens when you're writing a book about a desperately under-treated area of history and are therefore trying to be all things to all people. *sigh*

6. Set my clocks an hour forward. UGH.

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book list, reviews, liz is thinky, everyday life, work: monopoly houses, reading

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