ugh, bodies

Mar 02, 2020 17:27

Health update, such as it is. (Ugh.)

I stayed home from church on Sunday because I still felt like roadkill. For similar reasons, although I felt up to taking a walk in the afternoon, I did not start my laundry because I had no way of knowing how long that burst of energy would last. In the event, I probably pushed a little too hard with the walk.

Last night I slept terribly, when I slept at all. The cold has moved down into my lungs and I was coughing all night. I was thoroughly in zombie roadkill mode (with bonus goo! yuck) at the time I'd normally get up for work, so I called in yet again, BUT I showered and dressed anyway so as to do a slightly mad bit of shopping and bus schedule maneuvering. Basically, the #13 bus that passes my house just past 8am stays just a few minutes longer at the mall before starting its return trip, so if I get off at the Cayuga mall stop, hurry across the road to Tops, buy a small handful of things, and hurry back out to the Tops bus stop... I can catch the same bus as it heads back to my neighborhood. Which I did, and made it safely home with some broccoli, a loaf of bread, and -- this is the key part -- some extra-strength NyQuil. Which I promptly took and fell back into bed at 10am.

I then slept until 4:30pm, and the mere fact that I was able to do that speaks volumes about how drained I have been lately. (It was SO NICE to actually be able to sleep instead of waking myself with a coughing fit every time I started to drift off.)

Now I have had lunch (reheated leftover split pea soup (with ham, obviously) and some of my nice new bread) and I will attempt to do... something... for three or four hours before I fall back into bed, so as to have some hope of not completely bollixing my sleep schedule.


In the "stuff I did despite being roadkill" department, over the past couple days I have:

1. Potted two onions that helpfully decided to sprout rather than wait for me to cook them.

2. Repotted a bell pepper from a box planter to a single terracotta pot because its neighbor did not make it through the winter. *sigh*

3. Vacuumed the resulting dirt spills.

4. Changed my linens.

5. Gotten everything set up for when I finally have the time and energy to do laundry. (Hopefully Tuesday afternoon?)

6. Finished season four of The Magnus Archives and also listened to the Duskhollow PD hiatus content.

7. Wrote ~275 words of the untitled Doctor Who/Magnus Archives crossover.

8. Made my 2019 IRA contribution, which had to happen at some point since I claimed a deduction for it on my 2019 tax return. *wry*

9. Bought a birthday gift for Nick which should hopefully reach him by/on his birthday.


I think I will now go wash my dishes and see if that wakes any dregs of energy or ideas for things to do this evening. *sigh*

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medical, adventures in botany, grrr argh, financial stuff, everyday life, how is this my life

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