So, back in April 2017 I got a performative outrage troll who
left nasty comments on nine out of ten chapters of "Tides". In February 2018 the same anon
left a nasty comment on "Rituals".
Today the anon returned and, either having forgotten that they'd previously commented on Rituals or frustrated at my lack of reaction, left another nasty comment on
To wit:
What a load of shit. Naruto is happy with Hinata while sasgay is constantly out of the village and suckuras alone as she deserves to be! Naruto doesn't need his so called teammates. they need him! suckrua is a weak little billboard slut and they always have to save er worthless ass! She's a waste of ink!
I mean, on the one hand these are hilarious and always make me smile at their pointless, futile rage, but on the other hand I'm starting to get genuinely worried for this anon. They have been doing this kind of close hate-reading for over two years and haven't grown out of their poisonous views at all. That has to be emotionally exhausting. They are obviously not okay.
I wish they'd leave contact info so I could tell them to please stop reading stuff they hate because that's not healthy and I want them to feel good instead of shaking with outrage.
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