honestly I liked the loose ends better

Apr 20, 2019 23:44

I read the Homestuck epilogue(s) today and... that sure was a thing that happened.

I don't think any of it's impossible as an extrapolation from the main story, but neither thread strikes me as an especially plausible end-path for the characters, and while I do enjoy meta-narrative technobabble, I frankly prefer a less... uh... reductive and negative set of options, shall we say. Like, if your story is thematically about escape from the tyranny of narrative inevitability, why pick THOSE particular possibilities as the ones to narrow in on and explore?

Fortunately it's all fundamentally irrelevant, so whatever. I am officially ignoring the whole thing, just like I've already been ignoring the Snapchats and a bunch of the credits. :)

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liz is thinky, meta, fandom: homestuck

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