So I've been asked to run for my church's Board of Trustees -- a 1-year term to fill out the end of another person's 3-year term, since they're stepping down for health reasons.
I have to provide a one-paragraph bio.
Does this sound reasonable?
"Elizabeth Culmer has been attending FUSIT since shortly after she moved to Ithaca in 2000, initially via a short-lived UU student group at Cornell. She taught RE for over a decade, from Pre-K to the high school youth group, and has been a member of the Stewardship Team since 2017. She is an enthusiastic member of her hospitality team, and has frequently worked at the recycling sale and service auction. Liz grew up in New Jersey, where she was a born-and-raised member of the Summit UU congregation. She currently works for a real estate company renting apartments to Cornell students in Collegetown, and does some seasonal tax prep work for [Not the IRS] on the side."
ETA 9:10pm Okay, I've sent a slightly revised version to the nominating committee, along with a photo of me. We'll see how it goes. :)
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